Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"According to the rules... Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about Me".(about yourself)...People who get tagged need to write a entry of their own 6 weird things on their own blog, as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!"

Weird things about myself...hmmmm...I guess my husband would be the one to answer that question...because of course everyone else is weird...I'm the NORMAL one. hahaha...

1. I LOVE to read, and if I finish a book and do not have another one to start right away I just about go CRAZY! It is the way I relax.

2. I don't sleep well when my husband is home but doesn't come to bed when I do. He says I am crazy because he loves to play on the computer when he's not tired, but I will lay in bed and toss & turn for hours until he comes to bed. I am not scared or anything...I am just a light sleeper and I know if I go to sleep I will wake up again when he comes to bed. It drives him crazy that I don't just go to sleep!

3. Small noises bother me REALLY BAD! My husband eats hard candy all of the time, and he crunches constantly (as does my 3 yr old daughter)...ugh...smacking gum, clicking pens, fluorescent lights that hum, dripping water......need I go on!

4. I am a "homebody"...I will plan 50 places that I need to go and get done in a day, but instead I will stay home. There are days as a stay at home mom that I want to get out, but not many...I LOVE being HOME! (with the exception of cropping at the scrapbook store)

5. With help from Jason we came up with #5...I never finish a cup of coffee...I love to drink coffee...with flavored creamer...mmmmm...but, by the time I get to the coffee it's lukewarm, and I never get to the bottom of the cup before it's cold! That's the life of a mom I guess...

6. I guess the only other thing that I can think of is that I really don't like to watch a movie more than once...the same thing goes if I find out the ending of a book...I just can't get interested in it any longer...I guess I like surprises.

................whew....that was hard! & I don't know anyone else who has a blog to tag...What do I do now?

1 comment:

Shantay said...

oh no...if you have no one to tag that means....

...nothing really!!! LOL!

I can't wait to see some of the pics that you took today! I hope you get to crop with us Friday!!