Monday, August 18, 2008


OH MY GOODNESS! Wasn't it yesterday that I had a little girl running around my house that I couldn't even keep clothes on! She loved to be naked, and it was nothing to look up and see her in the front yard riding her tricycle with not a stitch of clothes on! Well, that has definitely changed! (yes I'm thankful) We spent at least an hour yesterday going through all of the clothes in Karleigh's closet to see what she would wear to school this week...she wanted each outfit to be just so and it had to have the right shoes to go with it too! We finally settled on a "first day" outfit, a "P.E. day" outfit, and a "picture day" outfit...Tuesday and Thursday will come tonight I hope... My little diva definately has an opinion about clothing...and everything else! She was so excited about school today...she talked really brave all the way to the classroom door this morning...BUT...not so much going in or sitting in her chair at the table between 2 boys! She was OK till I hugged her and said "I love you, have a wonderful day". BIG TEARS welled up in her eyes and she said "but I don't want you to leave me PLEASE" .

I promised her a treat on the way home from school if she would quit crying and she said "OK but you have to take my picture". So after a few snapped pictures and a hug from Daddy, she was sitting at her table watching "Handy Manny" and NOT all out crying when we left! I remember being a kindergarten teacher and wishing that the parents of the crying kids would just give them a hug and LEAVE... so I did! I know she's in good hands! Mrs. Hiemer goes to our church, and she's been teaching for many years! She's so sweet and loving I know Karleigh will be fine! Also, Jason's going to try to check on her at lunch and he's a few feet away in the field house! I am really glad we had preschool to prepare us last year because I might have been like so many moms I saw walking back to their cars this morning...bawling like they were leaving a funeral! I am sad that a part of her life is finished, but I guess I'm also really excited to see what this next chapter will bring! I love my little Karleigh, and I will always see her as my baby girl, but she's growing up and whether or not I want it's happening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that makes ME want to cry!!! I hope everything went great!! What a couple of big girls we have now. No more babies! =( sad.